Install Scan Application For M2070 For Mac Os

Install Scan Application For M2070 For Mac Os Rating: 4,6/5 7426 reviews

Samsung M2070 Driver Downloads for Microsoft Windows and Macintosh. M2070 Mac Printer Driver Download (8.34 MB); Samsung M2070 Mac Scan Driver.

Download and install Document Scanner Pro in PC and you can install Document Scanner Pro in your Windows PC and Mac OS. Document Scanner Pro is developed by Fedcalls and listed under Tools.

If you are looking to install Document Scanner Pro in PC then read the rest of the article where you will find 2 ways to install Document Scanner Pro in PC using BlueStacks and Nox app player however you can also use any one of the following alternatives of BlueStacks.

Download and Install Document Scanner Pro in PC (Windows and Mac OS)

Following are the 2 metshods to install Document Scanner Pro in PC:
  • Install Document Scanner Pro in PC using BlueStacks App Player
  • Install Document Scanner Pro in PC using Nox App Player

1. Install Document Scanner Pro in PC using BlueStacks

BlueStacks is an Android App Player that allows you to run Android apps on PC. Outlook 2016 for mac sidebar. Following are the steps on how to install any app on PC with Bluestacks:

  • To begin, install BlueStacks in PC
  • Launch BlueStacks on PC
  • Once BlueStacks is launched, click My Apps button in the emulator
  • Search for: Document Scanner Pro
  • You will see search result for Document Scanner Pro app just install it
  • Login to your Google account to download apps from Google Play on Bluestacks
  • After login, installation process will start for Document Scanner Pro depending on your internet connection.

Hints: If you are having LOADING issue with BlueStacks software simply install the Microsoft .net Framework software in your PC. Or comment below your problem.

After many and many, many. Tests, I finally got a working configuration for my MultiFunction Samsung Printer (SCX 3405W) with 'Scan to PC' button. This button allow a direct scan to a configured computer (Mac or Windows, even if the config in Windows is really simple and automatic) from your printer: you can remain on your printer (scanner), change as many document as you want, and go back to your computer just in the end with all documents saved in the desired format. First of all you need to install 'Samsung Easy Printer Manager' software on your Mac, start it, and go to Advanced Mode. warning If you can't reach this window (program crash when you click on the button) like me at the beginning, you should remove it using the script included in the downloaded ZIP.

Type, in a terminal: sh /warning Here you a have to select a folder where you want to put the scanned documents. But, in any manual I found information that images are sent using the samba protocol.

This means you should allow sharing on that folder in read/write mode!! Then you have just to select 'Enable' radio button at the top of the advanced windows in Easy Printer Manager and click save (if you want, before saving you can change all other parameters you want). When you click save you have a window asking you for an ID to use to identify the computer. With my computer (Italian language with French Keyboard) when I tried to type anything in the textbox I got a message saying that the input was not allowed (?!!?).

Here again I finally found that you can just add and use the USA keyboard layout and you can type your ID! If all worked well you should have a popup message saying that all parameters were correctly saved! Then you can go to your printer, click on 'Scan to' button and magically found your PDF/JPEG/. On the selected folder! gallery link='file' columns='4' Subscribe to Simply Me Get the latest posts delivered right to your inbox.