Diablo 3 Like Games For Mac

Diablo 3 Like Games For Mac Rating: 5,0/5 937 reviews

Another vote for Titan Quest (with expansion). Best hack and slasher since DII, and in my opinion has some elements that are actually better (like class system). Another game you might want to consider since you enjoyed Warcraft III is Dawn of War 2. It is a RTS but has a pretty decent leveling and item system. I am primarily an ARPG player (hack and slashers) but DOW2 is excellent fun.edit. Funny someone should mention Dark Alliance 2.i am actually playing that for the first time right now:P Pretty fun game, the only problem being on the 360 it has MAJOR slowdowns in certain areas.

Kinda wierd considering the 360 is much more powerfull then the regular Xbox.though I am sure it's some kind of emulation issue. Yeah.those 800X600 graphics rock! Not that there is anything wrong with old game's graphics, but I thought that was a pretty silly statement. As far as gameplay goes, game mechanics are nearly identical to Diablo, except the added things like more attack animations, rag doll physics, better effects, better impact animations, and a ton of other stuff. They also added things like a skill bar which gives players tons more options in battle, pet icons and pet dispositions (aggressive, defensive, ect) and the ability to give orders to your pets. Also, the class system is worlds better then diablo's. The ability to mix 2 different classes to create new classes gives a lot of options, and the number of builds you can make is very cool.

So like all Blizzard games, Diablo 3 will be released on the Mac platform, so my question is whether to play this game natively on OSX or run the windows version on bootcamp? Which one will be better?

One area I think Diablo does a much better job is in the story and atmosphere department. Diablo is unparalleled in that respect.

The music, art, cutscenes, dialog, ect is all fantastic. And of course TQ major flaw (HUGE!) is it's lack of closed online support. But as far as Diablo 'destroying' anything in gameplay terms.that's just rubbish. Yeah.those 800X600 graphics rock!

Not that there is anything wrong with old game's graphics, but I thought that was a pretty silly statement. Dnuggs40 I think it's easier on the eyes (not more advanced graphics/effects/whatever), and so it is, to me. As far as gameplay goes, game mechanics are nearly identical to Diablo, except the added things like more attack animations, rag doll physics, better effects, better impact animations, and a ton of other stuff. They also added things like a skill bar which gives players tons more options in battle, pet icons and pet dispositions (aggressive, defensive, ect) and the ability to give orders to your pets.

Also, the class system is worlds better then diablo's. The ability to mix 2 different classes to create new classes gives a lot of options, and the number of builds you can make is very cool. One area I think Diablo does a much better job is in the story and atmosphere department.

Diablo is unparalleled in that respect. The music, art, cutscenes, dialog, ect is all fantastic. Dnuggs40 I didn't like the class system in Titan Quest. In Diablo when you level up you actually feel like you're getting better.

In TQ it takes like 5 levels to even notice a difference (relatively). The classes really felt watered down. Play Diablo 2. It is waaay more fun than Titan Quest (which is incredibly boring). Titan Quest may have newer 3D graphics, but the art is uninspired.

Gameplay aside (which D2 completely destroys TQ in) I actually think Diablo 2 is easier on the eyes. Jedinat Yep, even tho TQ looks good it is extremely boring, and it has nothing on Diablo when it comes to gameplay (my opinion, dnuggs, since you like TQ a lot I see why you're defending it). Titan Quest is good, but it's main flaw is that it's shallow in everything it does. If you want to get a good game overall, get Sacred Gold. I also recommend Dungeon Siege 2 over Titan Quest. Play Diablo 2.

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It is waaay more fun than Titan Quest (which is incredibly boring). Titan Quest may have newer 3D graphics, but the art is uninspired. Gameplay aside (which D2 completely destroys TQ in) I actually think Diablo 2 is easier on the eyes. Jedinat I totally agree with this, i also tried TQ because like u i wanted something like diablo but newer. After 10 hours of playing it i decided it didnt even came close to the fun i had with D2 and LOD, give D2 another shot and i promise u wont be bored. Yes the graphics are outdated, idk if its because im used to them after 8 years but they seem good enough for me and all the new items and stuff like that u find really keep the game alive. QUOTE='dnuggs40'Yeah.those 800X600 graphics rock!

Not that there is anything wrong with old game's graphics, but I thought that was a pretty silly statement. Jedinat I think it's easier on the eyes (not more advanced graphics/effects/whatever), and so it is, to me. As far as gameplay goes, game mechanics are nearly identical to Diablo, except the added things like more attack animations, rag doll physics, better effects, better impact animations, and a ton of other stuff. They also added things like a skill bar which gives players tons more options in battle, pet icons and pet dispositions (aggressive, defensive, ect) and the ability to give orders to your pets. Also, the class system is worlds better then diablo's. The ability to mix 2 different classes to create new classes gives a lot of options, and the number of builds you can make is very cool.

One area I think Diablo does a much better job is in the story and atmosphere department. Diablo is unparalleled in that respect. The music, art, cutscenes, dialog, ect is all fantastic. Dnuggs40 I didn't like the class system in Titan Quest.

In Diablo when you level up you actually feel like you're getting better. In TQ it takes like 5 levels to even notice a difference (relatively). The classes really felt watered down.

All I am hearing is hyperbole.how are the classes watered down compared to Diablo II? Random Titan Quest class: 40 Skills total 8 active skills (with many complimenting/augmenting skills for each) 8 Passive/pet skills (while skills in each line to compliment/augment them) Random Diablo II class: 30 Skills total And I don't want to count active/passives because I can't remember off hand which is which (been years since I really played), but I know it's almost identical in number. Also, maybe you did something wrong because you gain skills/power pretty much at the same rate as in Diablo II.I would even say it's a bit faster as they condensed the levels down to 75. QUOTE='jedinat'Play Diablo 2. It is waaay more fun than Titan Quest (which is incredibly boring). Titan Quest may have newer 3D graphics, but the art is uninspired. Gameplay aside (which D2 completely destroys TQ in) I actually think Diablo 2 is easier on the eyes.

DanielDust Yep, even tho TQ looks good it is extremely boring, and it has nothing on Diablo when it comes to gameplay (my opinion, dnuggs, since you like TQ a lot I see why you're defending it). Titan Quest is good, but it's main flaw is that it's shallow in everything it does. If you want to get a good game overall, get Sacred Gold. I also recommend Dungeon Siege 2 over Titan Quest. Shallow in everything is does? What a hyperbole lol!

It doesn't really matter.I just think people are a but blinded by Diablo II because of how great it was when it came out, and it pretty much started the genre. Plus, it's online is so much better then TQ's which i think added to the replay value of DII. Hideme vpn for mac pc. But realistically when looking at the actual gameplay mechanics of both, they play so damn similar and Titan Quest has a lot of actual gameplay improvements over DII that really denying it is silly.much less saying D2 'destroys TQ gameplay wise'.

Anyways, this opinion brought to you by someone who loves and plays/played both extensively. I understanding people preferring the lore/story/atmospher/online of D2 by far over TQ.complete agreement. But when we talk gameplay mechanics.I think the people who make these huge gross exaggerations really are just making them because they love D2 so much. I have always wondered.

Does titan quest have randomized dungeons? Gamer620 Nope, unfortunately it doesn't.Diablo is pretty unique in that regard. Hellgate London tried to do it.and failed miserably. Those guys at Blizzard are really some of the most talented folks out there. I preferred the way you built your character in Titan Quest over Diablo 2.

By picking any 2 from 9 specialties you could create a much more unique character that had the strengths you wanted rather than just the preset skill trees of D2. Both were excellent games, but in recent years I have been playing TQ much more than I have D2. It's a shame that Iron Lore went out of business:( Avenger1324 Yeah I agree.really sucks.

Diablo 3 like games for mac 10

Some of the head guys have created a new studio called Crate Entertainment, and they purchased an undeveloped IP from Iron Lore called Black Legion. Right now they are trying to get a publisher and are very early in it's development. The title of this thread is Extremely misleading, since Diablo 3 is no where and I mean NO WHERE close to being released.

Although, by including Diablo 3 in the title, a lot more people seem drawn to this thread than if labeled 'Warcraft 3 Hero-leveling like game.' Anyways, I second the few people above who said Titan's Quest can't compete with Diablo 2. If you want, I'll even list every hack n slash game I've played so far on every system that comes close to D2. Okok I'll do it anyways - 0. If they ported D2 on PS2 or Xbox, I may have said that lol.

Diablo 3 will be a whole new game, so just keep playing WC3 for now.